
Monday, December 16, 2013

YouTube Content ID

YouTube is updating Content ID and according to this Reelseo post YouTube in fact pulled down some very large pages including some partners.

I have mixed emotions because I am pretty sure fair use might be at issue on some.  Google ( YouTube) can better explain how the content ID ( link at end of blog) system works.

Noticed some very angry post and videos over the weekend especially from those covering gamming. I might add with huge subscriptions and following.

Want to be safe with your content.. sure you do?  I am not a attorney so my advice is from  being around and on YouTube.

1.  Do not add any music at all that you did not produce. Do buy royality free music or use YouTube Audio Library

2. You want to show a clip of something you found online. It has music in background.  Don't do it.

3. Movies or any copyright info that you did not produce.

Make sure all the content uploaded is your production and any music is either yours (you own it). Use the YouTube audio libaray or purchase Royality Free Music.

I imagine the Content ID system might flag somethng that you have complete rights to publish.  Verify your YouTube channel and make sure you have added dispute to your tools.

The best way to maintain a good relationship is create and publish your own content.  If you use others content  make sure you have all the permissions.

If you cover a lot of stuff like recaps or reviews of 3rd party content.  Go hire a attorney.