
Monday, December 16, 2013

YouTube Content ID

YouTube is updating Content ID and according to this Reelseo post YouTube in fact pulled down some very large pages including some partners.

I have mixed emotions because I am pretty sure fair use might be at issue on some.  Google ( YouTube) can better explain how the content ID ( link at end of blog) system works.

Noticed some very angry post and videos over the weekend especially from those covering gamming. I might add with huge subscriptions and following.

Want to be safe with your content.. sure you do?  I am not a attorney so my advice is from  being around and on YouTube.

1.  Do not add any music at all that you did not produce. Do buy royality free music or use YouTube Audio Library

2. You want to show a clip of something you found online. It has music in background.  Don't do it.

3. Movies or any copyright info that you did not produce.

Make sure all the content uploaded is your production and any music is either yours (you own it). Use the YouTube audio libaray or purchase Royality Free Music.

I imagine the Content ID system might flag somethng that you have complete rights to publish.  Verify your YouTube channel and make sure you have added dispute to your tools.

The best way to maintain a good relationship is create and publish your own content.  If you use others content  make sure you have all the permissions.

If you cover a lot of stuff like recaps or reviews of 3rd party content.  Go hire a attorney.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Convert a Audio Podcast to a Video and Add Custom Player.

Every Tuesday Night I broadcast a live radio show on my YouTube Channel.  I then take the Audio saved on my YouTube Channel and add a Custom Tumbnail on YouTube channel Video Manager. This includes a  Picture with Times for show and keeping  brand in place.  While broadcasting using audio only Google + profile picture appears where video would play.

I add all the text in description box, Link to website, description of show and all the items needed to for the video.  I now have a radio show that acts like a video. A single picture with audio portion.

I then take URL for that show located on my YouTube channel and go to ViewBix.

The Final Show is a custom player with links to my sponsors, guest website, email contact  form   and Bill Board with link to my Video 6 Pack.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Video for Potential New Client Follow Up

My coach Danny L Smith talks a lot about wasted handshakes.  Wasted handshakes come when we network at a business function.  Gather  business cards.  Add to stack on the desk and do not follow up. Building realtionships is a great way to help build your busines.

 Video will establish the begininings of Like, Know and Trust.  Video brings instant connection with folks you meet online. Think of your video as a "Virtual Handshake".

Below is a perfect example of a "Video Handshake".  Tips are great ways to start Like, Know and Trust. Cammy Oney with explains blind cabinets in kitchens.

What if you explained this with text?  Video is  great way not to waste handshakes online.  I help small business owners located in Austin Texas with cost effective branding using video online

Thursday, September 26, 2013

YouTube Music Audio Library

YouTube Annouces the Audio Library.  This means you can download the music and use on videos uploaded to YouTube.  To access the Audio Library sigin into your YouTube channel.  Click on video manager.  Screen shot location of Audio LIbarary.

On Left side after you click Video Manager then Click on Creation Tools and then Audio Library.
You can play songs before you downlaod.  Make sure to read Terms and Conditions.  The down arrow far left is for you to download.

Very sure Google would like to see more folks use permission based  music.

Once you add the music and add to your YouTube channel share away to your other social network.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Using YouTube Hangouts On Air

Several months ago I decided to try Hangouts On Air to broadcast my Internet Radio Show.  The first frustrating step at that time no permanent link to post prior to show.  Update 08/23/17 Links now provided through live stream navigation on YouTube channel.

I post the link prior to show this allows folks to share link and join me at broadcast scheduled time.  For those of you learning about G+ ( Googles Social Network). You will need a gmail account.

The steps..

Create G+ Account and Connect YouTube. Good step by step from Social Media Examiner . This will take a little work but worth it.  YourYouTube channel will be a shell and need some hands on.  If you need more info Google search YouTube Help.. tons of great educational videos..

Assuming you know something about Hangouts?  Going to assume those reading do.

Radio Show Process

1.  Post Link above to all my social networks prior to show with Guest Information including Time and Date
2.  At time of the show I enter my G+ go to my profile and navigation bar on left click "hangouts on air".
3. Name Hangout Title of Show Click  "Start Hangout"
4. Load effects run through test audio and cancel camera ( top right).
5. Start Broadcast
6. Live show is on G+ profile and YouTube Live.  YouTube is archiving show.
7. When show ends go to YouTube click on My Channel then Video Manger in my playlist find the show and add keywords and information about show.  Save and now your show is ready to share back as "On demand.
8.  I recently created a account on Viewbix.  This now allows me to create a custom player and add info    about guest, link to guest website, link for my newsletter, links to my social networks and links to all my sponsors websites.
9.  Once this is completed ViewBix offers a link for copy /paste and embed code.  The final product I push back out for "on demand" play.  Below is one of my shows with completed process.

As of 08/23/2017 Hangouts on Air moved to YouTube channel under live stream navigation.
Link Hangouts on Air

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Trends Suggest Visual Content Continues to Grow

List of Ways Visual Content Is Trending 

More Visual content  Includes both Pic's and Videos

Live video on social sites

Smarter visual content in a crowded market

Creativity super important

Video's to the point..trend suggest shorter video clips must gain attention

Tools for creating video and automation of cloud based editing

Add interactive messages inside video for response and call to action

More Video Content Platforms for User Generated Content

Custom Players for Built in messages, call to action and point of sale.

Mobile devices have HD Video camera for high end content on the fly and instant share

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hangout on Air Permanent Link for Your Broadcast on YouTube

This is recent old news.  A short reminder that you can send a link out prior to the live broadcast on your YouTube channel using Hangouts on Air.

This is your very own permanent link.  How does it work?   Must have a G+ profile and YouTube channel.  This is the link you can send out prior to your hangout broadcast.  Add your channel name in the link.

Mine is  When you not on air folks will land on your channel. If you send  link prior to live broadcast folks can click the link at showtime watch or listen in

Good luck with your Hangouts on Air!

Update 08/26/2017

Hangouts on Air have located under stream live navigation on your YouTube channel.  You can send out a scheduled start time as one of the options.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Short Podcast Audio Messages On Social Networks

I think about 11 years ago when broadcasting audio over the net was hard.   Video was in early experimental stages. Many technologies had to work properly for Internet broadcasting.  Those were the days when content streamed  live would land you in nerdville..

Now days any person with a little knowledge can take advantage of tools. Recently I pulled my Hurdie Burk Internet Broadcast Network off a Windows Server Farm fighting all the way.  Only because the technology was in my comfort zone and easy management of a broadcast.

I still do my 1 hour broadcast on Hangouts and broadcast live on my YouTube channel. These are long play and designed for a business interview.  All this lead to some ideas. The one that stuck. Download a mp3 recorder to my smart phone for short interviews with folks and push to social network footprints.

The idea replace our written post with some "moments that matter" audio podcast.

Short Video interviews work the same way.   Decided to add Quickvids to the mix.  These are additional products that support my main product the Video 6 Pack. Not going to get rich it does support my brand.

What Steps Are Needed

1. Download MP3 Recorder to your smart phone.
2. Limit interviews to 1-2 minutes ( get to the point).
3. Email recording to your email address.
4. Edit audio if you like.
5. Host on a a site like .
6. Host site usually gives you links to embed and share.
7. Submit to itunes

By Hurdie Burk
Home of Video 6 PACK

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Small Business Video Marketing Online

When asking small business today how they gain Customer Attention some head scratching and some er umm's sum up today's battle.  Old tactics and old marketing techniques are not winning the battle. Today's language is composed of actions, engagement, participation, collaboration, sharing, 1+, likes, video, and blogs.

Several years ago I remember,  thinking is social networking stuff going to stick?  In the early days, very few social networks were designed for business.  Nowadays business uses social networking for a brand, engagement, and lead generation.  How can a small/medium business gain customer attention?

My niche within social networking is helping small business owners with cost-effective branding, lead generation and search using video online.  A video is a powerful weapon for engaging customer attention. 

If you own small/medium business pay attention to the video. Research indicated several years ago short clips 1-3 minutes would keep attention and these should be personal, good, and make a point with a call to action.  Problem small business owners had no time, did not know where to begin and the video was expensive.  Today business owners are very busy (no time) and not sure where to begin however, video production is very affordable.

The battle for consumer attention should "include" video. Notice the word include not exclusive.
Think engagement. Want to win this battle for customer attention to engage, participate and learn to share. One concept that will never die in marketing.  Help others obtain what they need.

Think Video for Consumer Attention.

By: Hurdie Burk
Home of the Video 6 Pack

Monday, May 13, 2013

Video Marketing Checklist For Small Business

Remember those famous words spoken from Apollo 13. "Houston we have a Problem" .  The rest of the flight was about strategy to make it home.  Focused decisions and each one critical for survival.

Each step your business makes for marketing video is determined by  your "target market".  I speak from tons of time helping clients establish marketing goals using video.

We all know that Social Networks are here to stay.  We know they help provide avenues to push instant information to potential clients and build our brand.

Once you determine the all important  "Target Market" then the process for developing what works marketing your video's will keep the  "hey we have a problem" message on the shelve.

 1. Learn "How" folks search for your business, product etc...  Start typing in searches and see what appears and watch videos of other related business. Some of these searches could make excellent titles for your video's

2. Build a YouTube Channel.  The ability to share and embed is important.

3. Edit videos for a  professional look.  YouTube Cards ( links), end of video annotations,  custom thumbnails and audio library.

4. Embed video on your website.  Example:  Develop video's centered on top 5 questions your clients or potential customers ask. Embed on proper page.  Set a goal to develop 2 video's a month keep content coming.  Activity and Engagement.

5.  Make your point.. Don't be that car "rambler"..

6. Understand your social networks and understand one video for one may not work as well on another one.

7. Ask your social network friends for help. Would you please share my video's I am going out of business.
Kidding!  I started video marketing and would you mind sharing this with some friends which,  need my service/product.

8. Most of all make your videos personal and tell brief stories.  Example:  I was doing video for a business that organizes family photo's.  She was showing off a  very cool box  for organizing photo's.  This meant a lot to me when I was rounding up "my family" photo's ( personal).

9.   Learn the 4 basics ( narrowed down).  Video Capture, Converting, Basic Editing and  Tagging for search.

10.  Have fun.. Your producing Content. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why Offering a Free Service Is Not a Good Idea..

One of the top  words used in marketing to gain your attention is the word "free".  Next time your online watch how  ad's are structured and see how many times you see something offered for "free".  

Good advertisers use "free" as a hook.   Good ad's might say something like this.

Free 30 day trial. This is a great way to have a client  try your product.  You see this type of ad associated  with software.
Free with the purchase of X.  You buy and get something.
Free Appointment.  Lawyers use this one a lot.
Free Download..  Trade contact info for information. 

When "free" is used in the wrong way

Write this down!   Locate a 3 x 5 card and post it where you see and remember.


This may have happened to you.  Your a small business and a potential client ask if you to provide a service for "free" to test your product.  You hopefully will do a short interview and find out what a client needs are however, your answer is going to be "NO".  The same amount of work is required for a "free" service and cuts into your ROI or your ROT ( Return on Time).. 

This does mean we cannot discount. Make sure your discount covers your service, labor and hard materials. Discounts can hook your customer long term.  

Trade outs should be Dollar for Dollar.  I stay away from trade outs for the simple reason "CASH is KING" and trade outs do not pay the bills.  If one chooses to use a trade out.  Make sure both parties are in agreement it is dollar for dollar.  I will do one  if it helps my business.. 

If you offer a "free" service call ( I would not) then make sure you have a means to cover that cost.  Better yet! Let clients know you will charge a fee and will apply it to the service if they chose your company for the work.  If they do not then let client know  the service call is non-refundable.  

I might lose clients if I don't offer something "free".  You might lose some clients.  In the long term your business will prosper and the market ( your market) will know you provide a service for a fair price.  Your marketing material may have strong slogans  like "100% Satisfaction Guaranteed" letting clients know you back up your work.

Hold your ground and make sure you have your "FAB" ( Feature, Benefits) for why a client should do business with you. Lots of business are offering a "free" something.  I recommend learning a word track ( have a answer)  when a client says will x down the street said he would do it for "free".   My answer is this.  I completely understand the temptation to use the free service does the "free " offer include ( list your FAB).   

Sometimes we have to walk away from business and focus on clients who can and are willing to pay for our service. Increase your pipeline and "free" will not be an issue. 

Remember "a free trail " can be a powerful tool for your business if used the right way or "free" can hurt your ROI and ROT  business model.

I will no longer offer a free service to another business who will become successful at my expense.

Give your clients several options when proposing  Services

Sunday, April 7, 2013

YouTube Changes and New Design

If you have signed into your YouTube in the last week you will notice a bar across the top prompting you to add the new design. Once you opt in changes will begin and little boxes of instructions will appear. I want to focus on some Features and help you take advantage of the tools YouTube offers.

I access this page by clicking on Video Manager then on left Channel Settings and the  feature page will appear.

Account status:

My account is Partner Verified
Community Guidelines, Copyright Status, Good Standing:  * Important if one of these is not green then first set of items that needs addressed.  Your account must be in Good Standing
Features:  This will take some work on your part.  You want to take advantage and have these approved
then you can take full advantage of these features.  Each one has a "learn more" and takes you through the steps to activate.

I Consult with clients in Austin. If you need help and want these features activated use my Contact Page Type "Help with my YouTube" in subject line.

I help small/medium business with cost effective branding using video online..


Update:  YouTube changes tools and does many updates.  The orginal blog was wriiten in 2013.
Small Business need a YouTube consultant.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Music On Videos Posted to YouTube-Copyright

Here are some safe steps for uploading video's with music.

1. Never add music that is not yours.

2. If your purchase music for play on your videos read the Company "Terms of Service"  Plenty of companies have music for purchase.

3.  Most Companies with royalty free music are very specific how to use the music purchased.   Paying attention is important..  I purchase my music for my videos  here  Called the company and discussed how I would use the music and made sure I understood the "terms of agreement".  Each song comes with a license with download.  Terms of Service" are very clear  how the music is used on videos for posting online.  A license gives you permission to use within "terms of service".

4.  Giving credit to the artist/band/label does not protect you.  Adding a credit does not save you from a copyright violation.

5. Not sure?  Be safe not sorry..  If your not sure exhaust making sure before you add music to any video you upload..

6.  You can look at Stock20 for music. Before you do anything read the "terms of service".

I am not an attorney these are simple rules I follow.  If you have questions about playing music contact your attorney.  This is not legal advice.  I simply say read all sites "terms of service".  Ask questions?  Call companies you purchase music through and ask more questions.

Here is some YouTube Info.  YouTube has a audio library for adding music on videos. You can smaple song and download to your computer and add during edit.  Must upload video to YouTube.

I help small business owners with cost effective branding using video online.

Update: Older video I talk about audio swap.  YouTube now has a audio library for use of music on your YouTube Channel.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tips for Using Video On YouTube

These are a few tips learned from working with small business using video online.

Build your Brand

With all the tools YouTube offers now is the time for building your own content.  No middle man advertiser required.  Figure out your target demographic.  Create video content that allows folks to meet you before they meet you.   Use video to help solve problems for clients.  Create videos about questions clients ask consistently.

Tell Your Story

Create short story video clips.  How we started our business.  How we help customers. These build trust and emotional involvement.  Stories are personal... ads are not.  Develop a very nice short intro video.

Product Demo/Promote Product

Demo your product on video.  Show "what it does" offer a "call to action tip" to solve a problem or issue.  Lots of "how to" videos are good.  How to do something is a very large search on Google. Promotion is about a call to action and all video's need an "I want you to do this". Would you help share this video to your friends?  Visit my website for more information.  Contact me.

Short Clips 

 Most folks are looking for something are searching quickly for solutions or answers stay on point.  Be upbeat but not hyper.  Smile.  If your reading a script practice and record before doing the actual clip.  Keep the message on target.  If you have more then 2 points say this up front.  Here are two things you need to know about ( fill in the blank).  Make sure you have some subtitle on video and use YouTube Cards. Music is nice and makes sure it's not copyrighted and is legal to use. I buy from  Use a transcription service if you like. Or use a YouTube audio library.

Search Engine 

Video is more likely to move up faster in search.  Titles are important. Keyword tags are important.
Activity is important.  Adding your videos to your website, newsletters, blogs and sharing with your social networks helps.

YouTube Channel and Sharing

Your very own TV station online.  Each video is an extension of your business and mini website.  You have the ability to share with all your social networks. Others who visit your YouTube channel can subscribe and share your content.

These easy video tips will help with your online video.  Not sure where to start.  Visit sites that teach basics on video capture.  Same holds true for creating your YouTube channel.

I help small business owners with cost-effective branding using video online.

Hurdie Burk

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Converted My Online Radio Station to Google Hangouts

Funny how things change now use Zoom to record Podcast.

My Online Radio Station live shows were streaming live audio through a windows server farm.   The market fragmentation meant so many folks were not able to access the live broadcast.

I looked at some other portals and considered moving the Internet Radio Station.   Decided to look at Google Hangouts.

My normal process on my Internet Radio Station was broadcast live and then after the show converts the WMA to mp3 and then upload my mp3 to  The Kiwi site allows me to host each mp3 show and creates a single page for each show.  Folks can download the show, share to social networks, blogs and embed the player or link to websites.  One of the Show pages located on

I started playing around with Google Hangouts realized I could cut the camera off and do my audio only show.   What I liked about Hangouts the live show is broadcasting on my G+ page and YouTube.  The internet show is archiving to YouTube during the live show.

I can do several things with my Internet Radio Shows using Google Hangouts.

1.  Broadcast Live Audio Only.
2.  Once Live Show is Complete. Go back to YouTube sign in and under video manager click on that archive then edit open the show with its black screen and go to annotations and add  Hurdie Burk Intenet Broadcast Network and drag that through the timeline of the show so no black screen is present. Or add pictures.
3. Download the video file ( it's audio but is a video file) to my hard drive. Use my converter to capture audio only and then edit and convert to mp3.
4. I Upload to ( link to same show above audio only)  so folks can share the audio file. This means the show is located on YouTube and  Both have share capabilities.
5. Listen to the archive on YouTube.

Today's tools allow for creativity and with a little know how one can figure ways to utilize services which, a few years ago did not exist.

I help small business owners with cost effective branding using video online.

Hurdie Burk