When asking small business today how they gain Customer Attention some head scratching and some er umm's sum up today's battle. Old tactics and old marketing techniques are not winning the battle. Today's language is composed of actions, engagement, participation, collaboration, sharing, 1+, likes, video, and blogs.
Several years ago I remember, thinking is social networking stuff going to stick? In the early days, very few social networks were designed for business. Nowadays business uses social networking for a brand, engagement, and lead generation. How can a small/medium business gain customer attention?
My niche within social networking is helping small business owners with cost-effective branding, lead generation and search using video online. A video is a powerful weapon for engaging customer attention.
If you own small/medium business pay attention to the video. Research indicated several years ago short clips 1-3 minutes would keep attention and these should be personal, good, and make a point with a call to action. Problem small business owners had no time, did not know where to begin and the video was expensive. Today business owners are very busy (no time) and not sure where to begin however, video production is very affordable.
The battle for consumer attention should "include" video. Notice the word include not exclusive.
Think engagement. Want to win this battle for customer attention to engage, participate and learn to share. One concept that will never die in marketing. Help others obtain what they need.
Think Video for Consumer Attention.
By: Hurdie Burk
Home of the Video 6 Pack